Natural Science MCQ SEMESTER I EDU- 04 – THEORETICAL BASE OF NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION 1. Which is the first step in scientific method? a) Analyzing the problem b) Defining the problem c) Sensing the problem d) Collecting data ans: c) Sensing the problem 2. Which of the following comes under process domain? a) Exploring and discovering b) Knowing and understanding c) Imaging and creating d) Using and applying ans: a) Exploring and discovering 3. Who is the father of Green Revolution? a) Kurien Varghese b) Har Gobind Khorana c) M.S. Swaminathan d) P.K. Iyenkar ans: c) M.S. Swaminathan 4. Which of the following taxonomy integrate ICT at different levels of teaching? a)Peck & Wilson b) Mc Cormark & Yager c) Blooms d) Blooms revised ans: a)Peck & W...