Natural Science




1. Which is the first step in scientific method?

  a) Analyzing the problem   b) Defining the problem    c) Sensing the problem  

 d) Collecting data

ans:  c) Sensing the problem  

2. Which of the following comes under process domain?

 a) Exploring and discovering   b) Knowing and understanding  c) Imaging and creating    d) Using and applying

ans: a) Exploring and discovering  

3. Who is the father of Green Revolution?

 a) Kurien Varghese    b) Har Gobind Khorana   c) M.S. Swaminathan   d) P.K. Iyenkar

ans: c) M.S. Swaminathan   

4. Which of the following taxonomy integrate ICT at different levels of teaching?

 a)Peck & Wilson   b) Mc Cormark & Yager    c) Blooms   d) Blooms revised

ans:  a)Peck & Wilson

5. The component of the skill “ Use of beginning statement” comes under which core teaching skill?

a) Skill of questioning   b) Skill of explaining   c) Skill of blackboard writing   d) skill of stimulus variation

ans:    b) Skill of explaining   

6. Knowing level -  --------------------------------- domain

a) Creative   b) Knowledge   c) Psychomotor d) Cognitive

ans:  d) Cognitive

7. The highest level in Peck & Wilson taxonomy is

a) Evaluating   b) Constructing   c) Applying   d) Exploring

ans: b) Constructing

8. Which of the following is the first phase in microteaching?

a) Transfer phase  b) Skill acquisition phase  c) Knowledge phase  d) Introducing phase

ans: c) Knowledge phase 

 9. The major theorist of Inductive thinking model is

a) Richard Suchman  b) David Ausbel  c) Jerome. S. Bruner   d) Hilda Taba

ans: a) Richard Suchman  

10. The processes- Designing, producing and publishing comes under which level of Peck & Wilson taxonomy.

a) Storing   b) Applying   c) Constructing   d) Analysing 

ans: c) Constructing   

11. The valuable judgement in learning process is called ----------------------.

a) Objectives   b) Learning  objectives  c) Evaluation   d) Aims

ans: c) Evaluation   

12. The statement of expected result is 

a) Aims   b) Objectives   c) Instructional Objective   d) Evaluation

ans: c) Instructional Objective  

13. In which year Blooms Taxonomy was foemulated?

a) 1966   b) 1956   c) 1986   d) 1965

ans: b)1956  

14. Which is the first level objective of Blooms Taxonomy?

a) Application   b) Knowledge   c) Comprehension   d) Analysis

ans: b) Knowledge  

15. Who is the chief exponent of affective domain?

a) Bloom   b) Krathwohl   c) Anderson   d) Bruner 

ans: b) Krathwohl  

16. The first category of Bloom’s Taxonomy is

a) Creating   b) Understanding   c) Remembering   d) Evaluating 

ans: c) Remembering  

17. The field of science in which biology, computer science and information technology merges to form a single discipline.

a) Geoinformatics  b) Nanotechnology  c) Bioinformatics  d) Biotechnology

ans: c) Bioinformatics  

18. The scientific process of solving problems 

a) Discussion method b) Problem solving method   c) Historical method   d) Student initiated method

ans: b) Problem solving method   

19. The word which is derived from the latin word “Seminarium”.

a) Peer tutoring   b) Seminar   c) Brainstorming   d) Debate

ans:  b) Seminar  

20. Which one of the following method offers active participation of the learners?

a) Lecture method   b) Historical method   c) Project method   d) Demonstration method

ans: c) Project method  

21. Which of the following does not comes under maxims of teaching

a) Known to known   b) Abstract to concrete   c) Nearer to farther   d) Facts to concepts

ans: b) Abstract to concrete  

22. Under-privilaged children comes under which category of exceptional children

a) Multi-exceptional   b) Emotionally exceptional   c) Socially exceptional                  d) Intellectually exceptional

ans: c) Socially exceptional  

23. Pragmatic philosophy comes under which method of teaching

a) Project method   b) Lecture method   c) Historical method   d) Heuristic method

ans: a) Project method  

24. Who said project method is a whole hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment.

a) Stevenson  b) Kilpatrick  c) Bruner  d) Ausbel

ans: b) Kilpatrick  

25. “I discover I find” comes under which method of teaching?

a) Historical method  b) Discussion method  c) Project method  d) Heuristic method.

Ans: d) Heuristic method


1.The method of acquisition of skill is --------------------------.

a) Team teaching  b) Discovery learning  c) Microteaching  d) Inquiry learning

ans: c) Microteaching  

2. A miniature replica of terrestrial habitat?

a) Aquarium  b) None of these  c) Vivarium  d) Terrarium 

ans: d) Terrarium 

3. Change in speech pattern is a sub skill of--------------------

a) Explaining skill  b) Introducing skill  c) Skill of stimulus variation  d) Skill of questioning

ans: c) Skill of stimulus variation  

4. OHP is an example for

a) Projected aid   b) Chart  c) Non- projected   d) Activity aid

ans: a) Projected aid   

5.Who coined the term pedagogic content knowledge?

a) Shulman   b) Schon   c) Bloom   d) Ausbel

ans: a) Shulman   

6. The holistic perspective of the syllabus grid is called --------------------

a) Lesson plan   b) Unit plan   c) Year plan   d) Resource unit

ans: c) Year plan   

7. The plan of action for transacting one unit of a subject is -------------------

a) Unit plan   b) Lesson plan   c) Year plan   d) Resource unit

ans: a) Unit plan   

8. Which is the first step in Herbetian step ?

a) Presentation   b) Preparation   c) Comparison    d) Application 

ans: b) Preparation

9. Microteaching was introduced by ---------------------

a) D.W.Allen    b) Shulman    c) Schon    d) Ausbel 

ans: a) D.W.Allen    

10.The scaled down teaching encounter in class size and class time is called 

a) Macro-teaching   b) Microteaching   c) Team teaching  d) Link practice

ans: b) Microteaching   

11. Gestures is the subskill of --------------------

a) Skill of explaining   b) Skill of stimulus variation   c) Skill of reinforcement   d) Skill of questioning

ans: b) Skill of stimulus variation   

12. ‘Brivity’ is the subskill of --------------------

a)  Skill of explaining   b) Skill of fluency in questioning   c) Skill of introducing a lesson  d) Skill of blackboard writing

ans: a)  Skill of explaining   

13. Concept mapping is a technique for promoting -------------------------

a) Humanistic intelligence  b) Visual  c) Spacial   d) Existential  

ans: b) Visual  

14. The instrument equipped with a powerful light source and carrier for holding slides of suitable size

a) Slide projector  b) Film strip projector  c) LCD projector   d) OHP

ans: a) Slide projector  

15. The type of graph which is divided into sectors in a circle 

a) Bar graph   b) Pie graph  c) Line graph  d) Pictoral graph

ans:  b) Pie graph  

16. Blackboard is an example for ------------------------ aid

a) Non- projected   b) Projected   c) Activity  d) None of these

ans: a) Non- projected   

17. Film strip is an example for ------------------------- aid?

a)  Projceted   b) Activity   c) Non- projected   d) None of these

ans:  c) Non- projected   

18. Models, objects and specimens are examples of ------------------- aid?

a) Activity aid   b) 3 D aid   c) Graphic aid   d) Display board

ans: b) 3 D aid   

19. The part of the brain which is responsible for intelligence is called----------------

a) Cerebrum   b) Hypothalamus  c) Cochlea   d) Semicircular canals 

ans: a) Cerebrum

20.A live corner for rearing creatures in the air

a) Terrarium  b) Vivarium   c) Aquarium  d)None of these

ans: b) Vivarium   

21.Field trip is an example of ---------------------- aid.

a) Activity aid   b) 3- D aid   c) Projected aid   d) Non- projected

ans: a) Activity aid   

22. The live corner for rearing and growing living organisms below the water

a) Terrarium   b) Aquarium   c) Vivarium   d) None of these

ans: b) Aquarium

23. The yearly record of daily observations made by people of nature- plants, animals

a) Science kit   b) Nature calendar   c) Nature study garden   d) None of these

ans: b) Nature calendar   

24. The live corner for rearing creature living on the surface and below the surface of earth

a) Vivarium   b) Terrarium   c) Aquarium   d) None of these

ans: b) Terrarium   

25. Lens used in overhead projector is ------------------

a) Concave lens   b) Fresnel    c) Convex  d) None of these

ans: b) Fresnel    


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