Submitted by

Aneeta Francis

Ist B.Ed Natural Science

St. Jacob's Training College, Menamkulam


Teaching aids play a key role in teaching-learning situations. It works as the support

for the teacher and taught in the pursuit of

knowledge.Teaching aids are the tools

purposefully designed to overcome verbal

deficiencies in communication in a

classroom situation.



There are certain learning situations in which

student participation through direct experiences

can be easily incorporated, these are called activity

aids. The activity teaching aids are really of great

value as they put students in a role of active

seekers of knowledge. There are five important

activity teaching aids, which are listed below:-

1) Field trips

2) Demonstrations

3) Experiments

4) Dramatizations


Types of field trips: –

Depending on the place of visit and its duration,

field trips are mainly of the following four types,


a) Local school trips

b) Community trip

c) Educational trips

d) The natural hunt

Advantages of field trip:

Field trip provides learning experience in the real

life situation by direct contact with objects,

process, and systems and thus has many

advantages which are enumerated as follows:

->It provides accurate information objects,

process, and systems in their real life setting.

->It provides meaningful direct experience and

hence results in lasting Learning

->The students learning can be easily diverted 

towards effective learning.

->Field trips are valuable aids to what students are 

curious about the natural and man-made process 

and objects.

->field trips can effectively supplement the 

classroom learning through

Limitations of field trip:

1) A field trip may be occasional activity which at 

best supplement some learning segments of the 


2) They can be expensive and out of reach for 

many disadvantaged and poor students.

3) Field trips require proper and detailed planning 

to make them meaningful otherwise the trip leads 

to confusion, and fails to fulfill the requirement

and reviewing the experiences of student.


Demonstration method is a concrete visual aid,

because of its wide use in the teaching of science.

In nursing education, it is used for this purpose

and also for clinics, conferences, laboratory

classes, symposia, autopsies, and teaching of

health to patients. The demonstration method

teaches by explanation and exhibition. In short, it

is a performance to show a process or activity to

others. When a teacher demonstrates, students

observe and imitate to learn

Advantages of demonstration:-

The following are the advantages of demonstration


1) It activates several senses. This increases

learning, because it gives a better opportunity for

observational learning.

2) It clarifies the underlying principles by

demonstrating the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of the procedure.

3) It provokes interest by use of concrete


4) It correlates theory with practice engages

student’s attention and concentration.

5) It encourages student’s participation in learning

through questions and answers as the teacher



An experiment is a learning activity in which

students collect and interpret observations using

measuring instruments to reach some conclusions.

In science subjects experiments are used

invariably used as instructional aid as they

encourage learning by doing. While giving a lesson

on an experiment, the teacher should organize the

instruction so as to make the students aware of

the following steps of the experiments:

1) Objectives of the experiments

2) Apparatus required

3) Procedure or methodology

4) Observations of data

5) Computation (totaling) of the observations


6) Results or conclusion

7) Precautions

8) Ideas for future work

The student performs the experiment and writes a

report on it. Showing the cause and effect



Dramatization is a very potent method of keeping

the class room instruction lively and interesting.

When a teacher dramatizes a lesson, the students

become both the spectators and participants. This

makes learning easy and permanents.

Types of dramatizations suitable for class

room instruction:-

1) Role-play

2) Play lets

3) Pageant

4) Pantomime

5) Tableaux

Advantages of dramatization:

1)Dramatization gives an added advantage of

students working as both observers (spectators)

and doers (participants) unlike in experiment

where there are just doers and in demonstration

where there are just observers.

2) Dramatization makes learning a pleasure

children love to act and show off.

3) Dramatization involves students totally and they

appreciate the lessons remember it better

4) Dramatization develops the social skills required

for them such as cooperation, co-ordination,

punctuality, and human relations etc.

5) Dramatization makes students creative,

sensitive, and alert.


A Living corner is a valuable part of a science

department in school. Through the ideal way to

gain knowledge is to observe objects and

phenomenon in their natural setting but in the

present educational set up there is only a little

opportunity for this. A living corner can help in this

aspect by way to providing many examples of

things which may be kept in such a living corner.

Living corners not only provides necessary helps in

teaching but also helps in creating the eight type

of scientific atmosphere in the school.

 A good living corner should have exhibits

which are natural. A living corner is a biological

laboratory specimen held by a biorepository for

research . Such a specimen would be taken by

sampling so as to be representative. Of any other

specimen. when biological specimens are stored ,

ideally they remain equivalent to freshly collected

specimens for the purpose of research .

 Collecting plants and animals is essential for

scientific studies and conversation and does not

some critics of the practices have suggested play a

significant role in species extinction.


To focus attention on science experience in school

To stimulate interest in science by all pupil

To arose curiosity in scientific investigation over

and above the routine class work

To provide stimulation for scientific hobby pursuits

To develop the habit of extra study and provide a

useful means of occupying their leisure time.


 A vivarium is an area usually enclosed for

keeping and rearing animals or plants for

observation and research. Often, a portion of

ecosystem for a particular species is stimulated on

a small scale, with controls on environmental


 A vivarium may be

small enough to s it on a desk or table, such as an

aquarium or terrarium or maybe a very large

structure, possibly outdoors. Large vivaria,

particularly those holding organisms capable of

light, typically include some sort of dual door

mechanism such as sally port for entry and exit, so 

that the outdoor can be closed to prevent escape

before the inner door is opened.

There are various forms of vivaria including


Simulating water habit for instance a river, lake or

sea; but only the submerged area of these natural

habitats. Plants in the water will use some nitrogen

within the system and will provide areas

fororganisms to hide and forage .


Containing insects and arachoids


 With species of ants


Simulating a dry habitat for instance desert or

savannah. A terrarium can also be formed to

create a temperate wood land habitat and even

jungle like habitat. This can be created with

pebbles leaf litter and soil.

Avi culture

The world wide hobby of keeping and breeding

birds in captivity to maintain their numerical status

in nature with a view of forestalling their extinction

by supplying aviary raised stock


The nature calendars are a beautiful art and Math

project that lets you follow the changes of the

year, learning about the seasonal observing the

natural world. We can make nature study simple

using a nature calendar. All of the calenders have

to be updated according to year and month.

 Usually a nature calendar consists of the


• A printable regular calender

• Blank spaces in calendar to explore some

nature ideas.

 Nature calendars are useful in making the

students creativity and ideas in check.children

are learning about nature. New fascinating

ideas about nature can incorporated in making

this calendar. This will also be helpful as it is a

group work and children can enjoy doning this

together and thus they can learn to cooperate

with their friends on doing a task.



• Create or print a calendar by using your

creativity. You can either print it from internet

sources and then stick it on a chartpaper or

we can draw a calendar.

• Use the prompts boths on the calender and

below to explore some elements of nature in


• Draw or write your observation in the blank

calendar squares. That’s why there are so

many blank space. So you don’t feel pressured

to do a million things and so that you have

room to to doodle it up right on the calender.

• Put them together in a notebook or handmade

book and wait for next month and new


 We can incorporated other ideas, both

craft and also by using computer technology

resources to make the work more attractive.


 We are now well aware of the

importance of teaching aids is instruction of

science. Teaching aids provide a new visual

teaching method is which students can handle and

interact with what they are learning rather than

merely byhearting from textbooks. This method

will be very interesting to students and also is so

effective in the teaching -learning process.


• Activity Aids in Teaching -Learning Process


• Teaching materials and teaching aids -P.G Pathshda




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