EDU:14 :ADVANCED STUDIES PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION MCQ 1.Discipline by natural consequences” is suggested by A) Idealism B) Humanism C) Pragmatism D) Naturalism Ans:D 2. Intuitive knowledge is attained through A) External experiences B) Internal experiences C) Both internal and external experiences D) Neither internal nor external experiences Ans:C 3. Project method is suggested by A) Idealism B) Humanism C) Pragmatism D) Naturalism Ans:C 4. Which among the following is a democratic value? A) Fraternity B) Justice C) Equality D) All of these Ans:D 5. The curriculum of population education includes A) Population and culture B) Family life and population C) Population and national integration D) Population and religion Ans:B 6. The traditional Indian concept which determines the values and a measuring-rod according to which human actions are to be performed or avoided is called A) Ahimsa B) Vydiya C) Purushartha D) Karma Ans:C 7. Encult...
EDU 05.9 PEDAGOGIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ANALYSIS – NATURALSCIENCE ONLINE ASSIGNMENT T OPIC – ACTIVITY AIDS -LIVING CORNERS & NATURE CALENDARS Submitted by Aneeta Francis Ist B.Ed Natural Science St. Jacob's Training College, Menamkulam INTRODUCTION Teaching aids play a key role in teaching-learning situations. It works as the support for the teacher and taught in the pursuit of knowledge.Teaching aids are the tools purposefully designed to overcome verbal deficiencies in communication in a classroom situation. CONTENT ACTIVITY AIDS There are certain learning situations in which student participation through direct experiences can be easily incorporated, these are called activity aids. The activity teaching aids are really of great value as they put students in a role of active seekers of knowledge. There are five important activity teaching aids, which are listed below:- 1) Field trips 2) Demonstrations 3) Experiments 4) Dramatizations ...
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