ONLINE ASSIGNMENT

TOPIC: RESOURC CENTRES & SERVICES IN                                                         EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY

Submitted by

Aneeta Francis

1st B. Ed

Natural Science

St. Jacob's Training College,



Resources centers are very significant in modern educational system. Educational resource centers or learning resource centers are indispensble to advanced the learning experience of students and teachers in any educational sector'. Educational trends of 1960s focus on methods of self-learnin,programmed learnin, learning for mastery,learning throughout audio media and computer assisted learning. Besides,information technology and teaching and learning theories have added a new dimension into learning resourcescenters concept. Developed courtiers began to equip advanced facilities for their educational institutions . Tough late developing countries like India also began to fall in line with this modern trends.


A learning resources centre is a facility provides for acquiring knowledge,staffed by a specialist, containing several iformation sources. The purpose of a resource centre is to advanced the leaving experience of students and teacher in any educational sector.



The Central Institute of Educational technology (CIET) was established in 1984 by the ministry of human resource development of government of India.Under  the umbrella of the national council of Educational research and Training (NCERT).If main aim is promoting the use of mass media technology for expanding and improving the quality of education at the school levels.

Objectives of CIET

1.To design and produce media software materials viz. television and radio, film,graphics and other programmes for strengthening the transaction of curricular and co-curricular activities at the school level.

2.To train the faculty of institutes advanced study in Educational colleges of teacher education and district Institute of education and training for the use of educational technology in their teacher education programmes.

3.To advice and coordinate the academic and technical programs and activities of the state Institute of educational technology (SIETs).


SIET(State Institute of Education Technology )in Kerala,the state institute of educational technology is responsible for the planning ,research production and evaluation of educational software like video,audio programmes and computer multimedia. SIET Kerala also aims to implement scheme to generate teaching technology and process in the modern context. SIET Kerala is the latest in the array of 7 SIET's in the country. Department of Education,Ministry of Human Resource Development,Government of India sanctioned the State Institute of Educational Technology for Kerala in1998.



Objectives of SIET

The audio-visual resource centre provides the following services.

1.Circulation of reserve material for courses at the second-year level and above students may consult these materials on two-hour loan arrangement.

2.Online searching of the school's teaching and reference collections, including a digital image collection. Requests for items or patron accounts may be made in person or via email.

3.Assistance in locating analogue or digital material or in creating presentations or rescreening a filim were here to help.


The consortium for Educational Communication popularly known as CEC is one of the inter university centers set up by the university grant commission of India.It has been established with the goal of addressing the needs of higher education through the use of powerful medium of Television along with appropriate use of emerging Information Communication Technology (ICT).

Objectves of UGC-CEC 

1.Close coordination, facilitation overall guidance and direction towards the activities of the media centers set up by the UGC in various universities throughout the Country.

2.Dissemination of educational programems through broadcast as well as non broadcast modes.

3.To studying,promoting and experimenting with new technology that will increase the reach and effectiveness of educational communication

4.To produce educational programmes(Audio /Video and Web based).

 EDUSAT (Education Satellite)

Edusat was launched by Indian space research Organization on 20th September 2004. It is a path-breaking effort in the concept of tele education. The main purpose of this is to provide education to all people primarly children from remot areas of the country who can not go to schools or colleges. The claude would be conducted by (varioue stte education board) NCERT, CBSE, Universities etc. in a studio environment using powerpoint presentation as well as the common blackboard. It is having interactive as well as non-interactive sessions offered.

Objectives of EDUSAT

1. Ensure availability of quality content online and through variety of access devices in schools.

2. Promote a shift from current passive learning to active learning.

3. Inservice and recurrent training of School teachers continues upgradion of their knowledge and skills.

4. Enrich the curriculum and pedagogic by employing all the technologies available including virtual class room, video on demand.

Advantages of EDUSAT

1) Provide access to some of the best teachers and teaching process for a large target group of learners. This will enhance quality of education.

2) The studio environment eliminating the needs of a large number of competent, qualified teachers.

3) The student can ask questions to the teachers through sms, e-mail or other mode of communication.

4) The CD of classes could be available on the net without the interaction section.


National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) is a landmark initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)to address all the educationand learning related needs of students,teachers and lifelong learners. In Indian scenario where there is a vast disparity of educational facilities available in various regions across the country, the Mission envisages to bridge the gap by providing just- in- time quality educational resources and teachers 24×7 to learners irrespective of their social, economic and educational status. The National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) was launched on February 3, 2009 at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to leverage the potential of ICT in teaching and learning process.

The three cardinal principles of the Education Policyviz.,access,equity and quality are to be served through three major components of the mission :

1.Broadband connectivity to all colleges and universities.

2.Low cost access and computing devices for students and teachers.

3.High quality e-content generation.

Objectives of NME-ICT:

1• Empowering and enabling students by ensuring equity and access to education through the use of ICT;

2• Connectingover400Universities and 22,000 Colleges all overIndia through high-speed data networks;

3• Improving faculty quality by using a unique synchronous training methodology;

4• Ensuring equity by providing access to expensive equipment to students even in remote corners through innovative use of ICT; and

5• Makingavailablee-contentand educational videos created by the best teachers.


NPTEL is an acronym for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and science. NPTEL as a project originated from many deliberations between IITs, Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) during the years 1999-2003. A proposal was jointly put forward by five IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur and Madras) and IISc for creating contents for 100 courses as web based supplements and 100 complete video courses, for forty hours of duration per course. Web supplements were expected to cover materials that could be delivered in approximately forty hours. Five engineering branches (Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical) and core science programmes that all engineering students are required to take in their undergraduate engineering programme in India were chosen initially. Contents for the above courses were based on the model curriculum suggested by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the syllabi of major affiliating Universities in India.

Objectives of NPTEL

1.To Curriculum based Video Course and Web -based e-courses targeting students and faculty of institution offering U G

2.Setting up of a Professional skills academy for providing advanced IT training courses of international standards.

3.To provide E-learning through online web and video courses in Engineering, Science, Technology and Managment.



KITE (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education) is a Govt of Kerala establishment set up to foster, promote and implement modernisation of educational institutions in the State of Kerala, owned by the State or run under the aid of Government. KITE is registered as a Section 8 Company, by transforming the erstwhile IT@School Project, which revolutionised the education system of the State. An Infrastructure division has also been set-up under KITE for upgrading the infrastructural facilities in schools. The spectrum of KITE include Information & Communication Technology, Capacity Building, Content Development, Connectivity, e-Learning, Satellite based education, Support and Maintenance mechanism, e-Governance or other related activities.

KITE aims to upgrade the Government sector educational institutions at par with international standards in terms of infrastructure, facilities, resources, curriculum, pedagogy, etc. It also aims to formulate and implement projects for the use of ICT as a tool for the improvement of the education quality in the State of Kerala.

Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE), formerly IT@School Project, was formed in 2001-02 to fuel ICT enabled education in the schools in the State. IT@School was transformed in to KITE in August 2017.

Objectives of KITE

1. To foster, promote and implement modernization of educational institutions in the State of Kerala, owned by the state or run under the aid of Government, through providing infrastructure including Information & Communication Technology Infrastructure,Capacity Building, Content Development, Connectivity, e-learning, satellite based education, support and maintenance mechanism, E-Governance or other related

2. To implement up gradation of the Government sector educational institutions on par with international standards in terms of infrastructure, facilities, resources, curriculum, pedagogy etc.

3. To formulate and implement projects for the use of information and communication technology as a tool for the improvement of the education quality in the State of Kerala.

4. To act as advisor or consultant to the government and private sector in improving education quality through information and communication technology.


  India’s epoch making first broadband network on EDUSAT for schools VICTERS (Versatile ICT Enabled Resource for Students) – inaugurated by H.E. A P J Abdul Kalam the President of India on 28th July, 2005 in Thiruvananthapuram has revolutionized classrooms through interactive IP based technology. 

The scheme which is being executed by IT@School Project of Government of Kerala, is mainly intended to meet the demand for an Interactive Satellite based Distance Education system for the country. It strongly reflects India’s commitment to use space technology for national development, especially for the development of the population in remote and rural locations. VICTERS offers interactive virtual classrooms that enable the school students as well as the teachers to directly communicate with the subject experts and educationists. 

VICTERS are as follows;

 • Padanakauthukam, Shastrakauthukam educational programmes

  • Examination oriented programme for SSLC and Plus 2 level

• Shasthramuthukal (Science programmes).

 • Vazhikaatti (produced by State Institute of Educational Technology).

• Ormayile Malayalam (Specific datewise regional programme) etc.


The Akshaya project, first started in the rural Malappuram district of Kerala, India, and now spread all around the state, was the first district-wide e-literacy project in India and one of the largest known Internet Protocol (IP) based wireless networks in the world. 

In November 2002, the state government of Kerala put into place a project, piloted in Malappuram, with the goal of at least one person in every family to be computer literate in that district. Malappuram is now what is said to be India’s First E-literate District. 

The mission continues to make Kerala the First E-literate state in India.

The project offers lots of services like: E-Pay (electronic payment of utility bills like electricity, land phone, drinking water, university fees etc.); E-Krishi (for farmers to provide online agriculture trading and information portal, A to Z Solution) E-Vidya (advanced IT learning for e-literates and others); E-Ticketing (online train, flight, bus ticket reservations); PMRY online registration; online passport registration; a village kiosk for transparent collectorate program, online communication providers for expatriate Indians; an online medical transcription course, with extension programs for all the above-mentioned service.


Indian DD Gyan darshan is an educational television channel that relays programmes from various Dooradarshan Kendras in different languages. The channel is organized & administered by NCERT, IGNOU & The National Institute of Open Schools. IGNOU Ministry of Human Resources Development & Prasar Bharti started the channel in January 2000.

 Gyandarshan was born on January 26, 2000. It is a bouquet of six channels. In essence, it is a co-operative venture with the Indira Gandhi National Open University as a nodal agency for coordinating the activities & up-linking the educational content.


Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is an autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India. It is a major National Programme initiated by the UGC in March 1991 with its Head Quarters at Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad. Initially started as a project under the IUCAA, it became an independent Inter-University Centre in June 1996.

INFLIBNET is involved in modernizing university libraries in India and connecting them as well as information centres in the country through a nation-wide high speed data network using the state-of-art technologies for the optimum utilisation of information. INFLIBNET is set out to be a major player in promoting scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in India.


The primary objectives of INFLIBNET as envisaged in Memorandum of Association are:

1.To promote and establish communication facilities to improve capability in information transfer and access, that provide support to scholarship, learning, research and academic pursuit through cooperation and involvement of agencies concerned.

 2.To establish INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network a computer communication network for linking libraries and information centres in universities, deemed to be universities, colleges, UGC information centres, institutions of national importance and R & D institutions, etc. avoiding duplication of efforts.

  3.To facilitate academic communication amongst scientist, engineers, social scientists, academics, faculties, researchers and students through electronic mail, file transfer, computer/audio/video conferencing, etc

  4.To undertake system design and studies in the field of communications, computer networking, information handling and data management;

  5.To establish appropriate control and monitoring system for the communication network and organize maintenance;

6.To collaborate with institutions, libraries, information centres and other organizations in India and abroad in the field relevant to the objectives of the Centre;

 7. To promote R&D and develop necessary facilities and create technical positions for realizing the objectives of the Centre;

  8.To generate revenue by providing consultancies and information services; and

  9.To do all other such things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.    


The ultimate goal of any plan for educational technology should reflect two intentions, equitable access to technology for all students and educators and comparable levels of educational technology for all schools. In setting up on educational technology resources centre tree aspects have to be addressed. Determination of the equipment required hardware and software, securing require founds so as to cover initial costs such as maintenance and technical assistance providing professional development for educators. So that technology is utilized and implemented meaningfully. Thus Technology can become the force that equalizes educational opportunities of all children regardless of location and social and economical factors.


*Educational Technology Today

                                  -Dr. Rohtash.

*Fundamental aspects of educational Technology

                                        -Yogendra. K. Shama.

* WWW.Educational .Com




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