EDU:14 :ADVANCED STUDIES PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION MCQ 1.Discipline by natural consequences” is suggested by A) Idealism B) Humanism C) Pragmatism D) Naturalism Ans:D 2. Intuitive knowledge is attained through A) External experiences B) Internal experiences C) Both internal and external experiences D) Neither internal nor external experiences Ans:C 3. Project method is suggested by A) Idealism B) Humanism C) Pragmatism D) Naturalism Ans:C 4. Which among the following is a democratic value? A) Fraternity B) Justice C) Equality D) All of these Ans:D 5. The curriculum of population education includes A) Population and culture B) Family life and population C) Population and national integration D) Population and religion Ans:B 6. The traditional Indian concept which determines the values and a measuring-rod according to which human actions are to be performed or avoided is called A) Ahimsa B) Vydiya C) Purushartha D) Karma Ans:C 7. Encult...
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